Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US
Tirthankar Ghosal is a scientist (Artificial Intelligence and High Performance Computing) at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US. His research interests are Foundational NLP Models, Cognitive NLP, NLP for Scholarly Communications and Peer Review, Argumentation Mining, and Text/Dialogue Summarization. He was the principal organizer of the first iteration of the AutoMin shared task at Interspeech 2021 and also the SummDial special sessions at SIGDial 2021 and SemDial 2022 on meeting and dialogue summarization. He is currently the co-editor of the SIGIR Forum. Tirthankar has served/serving in organization committees of several international conferences and workshops including ArgKG @ AKBC 2021, SDP @ EMNLP 2020, SDP @ NAACL 2021, ICON 2020, EurNLP 2021, WiNLP 2020, mini-WiNLP @ AACL-IJCNLP 2020/EACL/ACL/NAACL 2021, WiNLP @ EMNLP 2021, FORCE 2021, and a shared task on Argumentation Mining (SciVer) at 2nd SDP @ NAACL 2021. Tirthankar is passionate on working in issues related diversity and inclusion in the research community. He was the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) co-chair at AACL-IJCNLP, ACL 2020 (Financial Access), NAACL 2019 (Financial Access) and a past chair of the Widening NLP initiative.
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Marie Hledikova is a Bachelor student at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague. Her main area of interest is meeting summarization/minuting, with a particular focus on the alignment between meeting transcripts and minutes, and automatic evaluation of the quality of meeting minuts. She also participated in the preparation of ELITR Minuting Corpus.
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Anna Nedoluzhko is a researcher at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University, Prague. Her main research interests concern phenomena exceeding the sentence boundary (coreference, bridging, discourse analysis). She also participates in program committees of international NLP conferences and workshops, such as Linguistic Annotation Workshop at ACL and NAACL (LAW, 2010-2017), DepLing (2013), CORBON (collocated with NAACL, 2017), etc. She is one of the shared task organizers at the CRAC workshop (collocated with NAACL, 2018 and COLING in 2020).
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Ondrej Bojar is an associate professor at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University, Prague. His main research interest is machine translation but he was also involved in treebanking and lexicographic projects at the department. He participated the Johns Hopkins University Summer Engineering Workshop in 2006 as a member of the Moses team. Since then, he has been regularly taking part in WMT shared translation tasks and co-organizing them since 2013, with specific focus on translation into Czech, on MT evaluation (WMT Metrics Task) and training aspects of both “classical” statistical MT (SMT) and neural MT. He has been the main local organizer of MT Marathons held in Prague (2009, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018). He teaches courses on SMT and NMT and machine learning, supervises many batchelor theses, some master theses and several PhD students. He has been working on several national research projects and two EU-funded projects: EuroMatrix (2006–2009), EuroMatrixPlus (2009–2012), MosesCore (2012–2015), QT21, HimL, CRACKER (all 2015–2018), being the local lead technical developer and manager in them since 2011.