Generate Meeting Minutes from Transcripts
AutoMin 2023 Proceedings were published as part of INLG Generation Challenges, see ACL Anthology:
ELITR Minuting Corpus and EuroParlMin are the training data for our two domains.
AutoMin 2023 is the second instance of the shared on automatic summarization of meeting transcripts into concise minutes.
Ever since most of our interactions went virtual, the need for automatic support to run online meetings became essential. Due to frequent meetings and the resulting context switching, people are experiencing an information overload of epic proportions. Hence a tool to automatically summarize a meeting proceeding would be a valuable addition to the virtual workplace. Automatic minuting is close to summarization; however, there are subtle differences. While summarization is motivated towards generating a concise and coherent summary of the text, minuting is more inclined towards adequately capturing the contents of the meeting (where coverage is probably more significant than coherence and conciseness). Apart from the main task of summarizing meeting transcripts, another crucial task is to develop efficient evaluation measures to judge the quality of the automatically generated minutes.
The previous run of this shared task, AutoMin 2021, was the first of its kind for this problem.
This year, AutoMin will continue with the three tasks we had in the past (Task A Minuting and Tasks B and C on matching minutes and transcripts) and we are adding a new Task D, designing appropriate evaluation schema/metrics to evaluate the generated minutes. See the Call for Participation for a detailed description of the tasks. This time, there will be two different kinds of meeting settings (technical meetings and parliamentary proceedings). The technical meetings consist of data in English and in Czech.
AutoMin 2023 will be held at INLG 2023.
Release of Training Data, Announcements | January 2023 | |
Release of EuroParl Training Data | February 6, 2023 | |
Release of Test Data | March 2, 2023 | |
System Submission Deadline | May 1, 2023 | |
Evaluation Period | May+June 2023 | |
System Report Submission Deadline | ||
System Report Review Notification | June 2023 | |
Camera Ready Deadline for System Reports | July 25, 2023 | |
AutoMin 2023 @ INLG 2023 | around 11-15 September 2023 | |
AutoMin 2023 Papers published in INLG 2023 GenChal Proceedings | available since September 2023 |
All submission deadlines are 11:59 PM AoE (Anywhere on Earth) Time Zone (UTC-12).